Christmas Parade Sign-Up
December 7 | 6pm
Join us in this year’s Christmas celebration! Fill out this form to sign-up for the 2024 Searcy Christmas Parade.
Registration is required and FREE!
Deadline to register: Friday, December 6 at NOON.
The parade line-up will begin at 4 p.m. on Spring (Spring Park area) and Mulberry Streets. The parade will start at 6 p.m. It will travel north on Spring, west on Arch, north on Spruce, east on Race and north on Davis, ending at Berryhill Park.
All vehicles and float entries must have Christmas lights AND play Christmas music.
NO ENTRIES CAN HAVE A PERSON DRESSED AS SANTA. This is to prevent any confusion for children. The City of Searcy/Holiday of Lights committee has one official Santa that rides in a fire truck at the end of the parade.
No candy or other items may be thrown from vehicles or floats. It will be dark, and children may not be seen by drivers if they run into the street for candy. Candy and other items can be handed out by people walking but not thrown from floats or vehicles.
No loud music or bass are allowed.
While we welcome local politicians and political candidates in our parade, we ask that no national political signs or political statements be displayed. The Christmas Parade is a time for festive, seasonal decorations.
All horses in the parade must be Coggins tested.
Parade officials reserve the right to remove any entry from the parade line-up that is deemed inappropriate for this family-friendly event or could potentially put participants or spectators in physical danger.
In the event of inclement weather and/or street conditions are deemed unsafe, the parade will be postponed. A determination will be made by 3 p.m. on December 6. Please follow the Searcy Holiday of Lights Facebook page for announcements.
For additional questions about the Searcy Christmas Parade, please contact searcyholidayoflights@gmail.com.