Harding University would like to invite you to Arkansas Day of Hope.
Did you know that hope is a leading indicator of well-being in adults and children? Using the evidence-based science of hope, the Arkansas Hope Summit will offer a deep-dive into strategies to build hope in yourself and others.
Featuring Chan Hellman, PhD, Founder of Hope Research Center at University of Oklahoma, Co-Author of “Hope Rising: How the Science of Hope Can Change Your Life” with a special appearance from Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt and First Lady Sarah Stitt.
During this free event, you’ll learn how to:
- Transform organizational culture using the science of hope
- Produce stronger outcomes & achieve your mission more effectively
- Boost personal productivity & wellness
Learn more and reserve your spot at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/arkansas-day-of-hope-at-harding-university-tickets-1088786322199